Tuesday, April 23, 2024

It’s Tuesday
and that means we’re back with a new GRAND post for you all!
With only a few weeks until Mother’s Day (Sunday, May 12, this year),
we’re turning our attention to gift giving
with our own GRAND twist, of course!

Historically, Mother’s Day provides an opportunity for us all
to celebrate the mothers in our lives!
In fact, as Grands ourselves, we get to celebrate twice over,
as mothers and now as grandmothers!
We also know that many Grands are blessed to have their own mothers with them,
thus extending the celebration threefold!
Yet, we both feel that this annual holiday
is also a perfect time to honor our own daughters…
the mothers of our sweet Littles!
After all, these are the young women
who have given us this precious role as Grand that we treasure!
We all know… parenting is hard work!
Our young parents need encouragement, love and a pat-on-the-back
to let them know that they are doing a great job handling it all!

In this post we share a few of our favorite ways of helping Littles
show their love for their own mamas,
with our Mother’s Day Treasures that require just a bit of GRAND help from you!
To begin, we each have a brand new Mother’s Day project to share!
We’ll follow up with a reminder of a few faves
we first offered last year,
including meaningful ways for Distant Grands to join in the fun!
Of course...
many of our ideas can be adapted as gifts for Littles to give to anyone who loves them...
a special mom, grammy, aunt, caregiver, friend!

I love doing activities with my Littles,
and I think it’s important to acknowledge my pride
in my daughter’s (and son-in-law’s) parenting skills!
This is why I choose to do a project with my Littles for Mother’s Day.
It is also a great way to teach them about gratitude and giving!

This project is a wonderful activity to do, especially with younger Littles! Little D and I made this gift when she was 20 months old.
I originally cut letters (M and O) out of tagboard, but Little D kept twisting them around, and it just wasn’t the look I wanted.

You could probably use thicker tagboard or even foam board, but I went ahead and ordered a 12 inch wooden M and O on Amazon.
Here’s how Little D and I completed the project!
1). Find a comfortable spot for your Little with a fairly clear background. I chose our steps because Little D likes to sit on them for a snack and I knew she would be comfortable there.
2). Plan to take a lot of photos! I handed Little D one letter at a time and just snapped away!

3). Choose the final photos that show your Little’s personality shining through.

4). I purchased a frame that had 3 matted square openings, and inserted my favorite photos. You could also glue each photo onto a card if you want to keep your gift simple.

My Daughter A (Little D’s mom) loves her frame
and keeps it on her desk at work!

This year I need to think of a way to include our newest addition - Little P - to the mix!

As a somewhat distant Grand
(we live about 5 hours away by car from our Little L and her mommy and daddy)
I often have to come up with an activity or project
that is quick and easy to complete,
especially when we have a busy weekend visit planned here or there!

A Little’s fingerprints are so precious and this project is a simple way to capture them forever!
Little L and I made this bookmark for Daughter J last year! I only had a few minutes here and there to complete a project since Little L and her mom and dad arrived the day before Mother’s Day and Little L’s mama was usually around! An easy project was a must!
Before Little L arrived for their weekend visit, I had prepped the project by typing out and making a copy of this cute poem.

A space was left after the title, Happy Mother’s Day!, for Little L’s artwork and the year was also included at the bottom, following the poem. The poem was glued to a piece of pink cardstock, but any color will do! As you can see, I also punched a hole in the top of the cardstock and looped some ribbon through since the project served as both a card and a bookmark! I also had a photo of Little L that I'd made a print of and then cut it into a circle and glued it to the center of the flower, as shown.

Little L was just 16 months old last year, so she definitely needed some guidance (help) in making the stem and grass with a green marker. Then, with ink pads (we used three colors, purple, pink and green), Little L added fingerprint flower petals and leaves! You could also use washable paint, too! So cute!

Today, we’re revisiting a few of our past faves -
Mother’s Day/any day gifts given to our daughters
to celebrate their role as a mom!
With a bit of planning,
all are meaningful options for you to consider for the upcoming holiday!!
A Photo Flower Garden!
Laurie did this project with Little D when she was 9 months old to give to her mommy!

Laurie purchased three small terra cotta flower pots and put each one in a gallon Ziploc baggie. She put some paint blobs in with each pot and sealed the bags well. Little D took each bag and smooshed (is that even a word?) the paint over the pots! Let the pots dry overnight.
Little D banged the bag against the table while exploring
and broke one of the first pots!. OOPS!
Two Grand Tips!
Tip 1 - Buy an extra pot!
Tip 2 - Help hold the bag when your Little is smooshing!
After Little D had finished her part of the project, Laurie found 3 photos of Little D. She punched them out and made them into paper flowers with straws as stems.. She wrote Happy Mother’s Day - one word on each pot and inserted the flowers into shredded paper (or Easter grass) that filled each pot. You could also write the date or any other information on the back of one or more of the pots!.
2024 UPDATE!
Little D’s mommy was able to keep the pots and smiling pictures of her little girl
on her window sill for a whole year!
Favorite Purchases for a Special Mom!
Sometimes, as a distant Grand the only option is to purchase something special for your Little’s mommy and have it delivered! Or, perhaps you are a Grand who prefers to purchase a gift, a memento, for the special young mom(s) in your life!
In last year’s post, Laura shared a few of her favorite purchases for Daughter J… each celebrates her role as Little L’s mama!

PLEASE NOTE - We share links of items that we love and we are not compensated in any way!
Magnetic Photos!
When Daughter J returned to work, Laura sent 4-5 pictures of Little L in magnetic photo sleeves. Daughter J could put these on her file cabinets or desk during those early days of being away from Little L! Again… a simple, inexpensive gift for Mother’s Day! You can find the magnetic photo sleeves at most drugstores or here at Amazon.
2024 UPDATE!
These photos are still displayed on the fridge
and Little L still enjoys looking at them in April 2024!
A Personalized Travel Mug!
Laura purchased this mug for Daughter J when she headed back to work after her maternity leave! It would be an equally thoughtful gift for Mother’s Day. Here are the details if interested in this specific one!

2024 UPDATE!
Little L likes to sip her water from Mommy's mug these days!
OH MY! Did you notice Little L's arm?
Poor baby!
A Mama Bracelet!
This was a special gift from Laura to Daughter J… we were both so excited to welcome a little one into our world and Laura was equally excited for this new mama! Here are the details (from Nordstrom) if you want to learn more!
2024 UPDATE!
This simple bracelet continues to be a favorite piece of jewelry
for Little L’s mommy!
Showing Love from a Distance!
This activity is an adaptation from an annual project Laura would do with her kindergartners to celebrate Mother’s Day. It’s one we shared last year but it definitely bears repeating!
If you live far from your children and grandchildren, and are unable to get together to work on a project but would like to, here’s an idea for you! Write out or prepare a series of partial statements for your Littlew to complete. Here are some examples - thoughtful, silly, meaningful!

Once you have your list together, call or Facetime with your older Little(s) and be sure that their mom is not listening!. Ask your Littles to finish the statements and write their answers down. Send them in an email, text or card to their mom, remembering to add your own comment about what a wonderful mom she is to your grandkids!
(NOTE: If your Littles are old enough to write their own answers, you could email or mail the statements to them or their dad and they could write their out themselves as a special gift!)
If your Littles are babies or toddlers, write the answers yourself (from your own perspective) and send… Let that tired mom know what a great job she is doing, and how much you admire her. Thank her for raising your grandchild(ren) and remind her that you are always there, cheering her on!
2024 UPDATE!
As an alternative to the activity above,
use the prompts to interview your Little!
Record his/her answers to your questions and then share the video with Mom!
Whether homemade, purchased or a shared virtual experience,
the thought that goes in to giving a Mother’s Day gift or card
is what truly matters and means the most!

Still looking for more ideas?
Last year, we shared our 2023 edition of Mother’s Day Treasures
in this post!

You’ll find some additional ideas there,
besides the ones we highlight in today’s post!
during the coming weeks!

In addition, you can find our growing collection of ideas on Pinterest, too!
We’d love to have you follow us on any/all of our social content
as always, we invite you to subscribe to our blog here.
We’ll be back next week
when we’ll share a few breakfast dishes
that Littles can serve up on Mother’s Day or any day -
with a little Grand help, of course!

Gma's Photo ge•ne•ric Link Up Party from Gma's Photo
Funtastic Friday Link Up from Two Chicks and a Mom
The Hearth and Soul Link Party from April J Harris
Thank you for featuring this post on your sites!
❤ We love our blogging community! ❤
❤️ We are delighted to join the following link up parties and blog hops! ❤️
Oh my goodness these are great gifs!
Thanks bunches for sharing these with Sweet Tea & Friends this month dear friends.
What priceless gift ideas! I love that the littles can help to make them too. Thank you for sharing with Hearth and Soul. I'll be featuring this post at the May edition of the party which goes live on Sunday!
I love the series of photos with the cut out letters of M O M. They are adorable. So many wonderful ideas for presents. #MMBC
These ideas are fantastic and I was just on the phone with my work colleague about some Mother's Day craft ideas for our preschool class. Thanks for the inspiration!
These gift ideas for Mother's Day are incredibly thoughtful and can be treasured for a long time. I love that each one is personalized, making them even more special. It's a wonderful way to keep these sweet memories close for years to come. Thank you for sharing this adorable post at The Crazy Little Lovebirds link party #35.