Thursday, March 20, 2025
It’s time for another post from Our Grand Lives!

Isn’t that cheery egg so cute?
It makes us smile and we hope it brightens your day, too!
Another thing that makes us smile,
is the topic of today’s post!
Laurie is sharing one of her family’s favorite traditions with us all!

I’m going down memory lane today
as I recall our many years of Easter adventures with family and friends!

When our children were young, one and three at the time, my husband and I brought them to a community Easter Egg Hunt. It was not a good experience.. They were pushed around by other kids, and had a hard time finding eggs as older children grabbed more than they technically were allowed. They each ended up with only one or two eggs.

The next year I decided to host our own Egg Hunt with our group of college friends and their families. Together, we had 14 kids and as a teacher I quickly had everything organized for a successful hunt. (This could, in fact, be the subject of another post!)

The next year I decided to add a new challenge - one that entire families could participate in! Our Egg Drop soon became a yearly favorite! The challenge was to, as a family, create a container that would protect a raw egg from breaking as it was dropped from various heights.
It was a hit. Literally!

We always held our get together the Saturday before Easter.
Our annual Egg Hunt took place in the morning,
followed by a potluck lunch we enjoyed together.

And then… the Egg Drop!
Then the kids would spend the rest of the day playing together
as the adults sat outside and enjoyed each other’s company.
It really was a glorious time!

A few years ago, when I hosted our family Easter celebration
I resurrected the Egg Drop!
It was so much fun!
It shows that family activities are fun for everyone…
Littles to Middles to Grands!!

Below you’ll find all the details for how we planned and prepared
for our family Egg Drop!
The Set Up
There were a few things we needed to prepare for ahead of time
to make our Egg Drop successful!
🥚 Tip #1
Be sure to send the rules (our Egg Drop guidelines) to everyone participating two or more weeks before the drop so people have time to get ready!
🥚 Tip #2
If you have a garage roof that slopes up from the driveway, you are lucky. You have the perfect Egg Drop perch. (We're lucky! ☺️)
If your garage peaks over the driveway….you can still host an Egg Drop, you just have to adjust your “dropping” techniques.

No roof to drop from? No worries!
Read on for other options offered near the end of our post!
The Rules
These are the rules that have been settled on through the years.
But let me warn you…
Every year after the contest, someone will say “I think we should add…”
so our rules are constantly fluid!
Honestly, I think the most fun the adults have had over the years
was trash talking and arguing about rules!
In fact, these arguments usually continued all year long!
Here’s our current list of Egg Drop rules!
🥚 Rule #1
Your raw egg must be sealed in a plastic bag. (A sandwich Ziploc bag seems to work the best for us!)

THIS is why the egg is now in a plastic bag!
🥚 Rule #2
Each egg container must meet the size guidelines! The maximum size – before and after drop - 12”x12”x12”.
🥚 Rule #3
The egg in each container must be able to be checked after each drop. (As part of each container’s design, there has to be a window or a way to lift packaging up to check the baggie). If we see yellow yolk – the entry is out!

🥚 Rule #4
No altering the egg or surface of the egg! (One year we accidentally used a hard boiled egg! That egg sure held up well and people never let us forget it!!)
🥚 Rule #5
No repackaging the container/holder after the first or subsequent drops… If some of the packaging falls off or becomes unwrapped - it stays that way!

Entries come in many different containers!
Everyone arrives at the gathering, ready or not!
Let the competition begin!

When people first arrived,
we always made sure we had a table set up to display all the entries.
It is really fun to see what people have come up with!
As you will read, each round adds more suspense
as we determine which eggs will survive our Egg Drop!
Round 1
The first round is a very simple one. One person from each family holds the entry up high and on “go” drops it on the ground. This is usually pretty successful, but sometimes a weak entry is weeded out!

After this round and each that follows, someone in the family would check their egg and show it to the checker to see if it is broken. (It will be easy - the window that was created for each entry will be all yellow!) I usually was the checker.

Round 2
Some years, depending on how many entries we have,
we’ve actually skipped this round and moved straight to Round 3.
For Round 2, we always have a Drop Man and an assistant. This Drop Man has always been my husband, but the older I get, the more I am ready to hand this over to the younger generation!
The Drop Man stands on a ladder and drops each entry.

Oh! Oh!

“You’re OUT!!”
Round 3
Time for the big stuff! The Drop Man and his assistant climb up on the roof with the entries that are still in the running
They roll the entries off the roof onto the driveway. The assistant is there to drop the Drop Man’s entry so there is no favoritism involved!

My son could not wait until he was old enough to be the assistant!
Round 4
This time, the Droppers toss entries off the roof!

Are there any entries left???
Round 5:
Things get tough from this point on!.
The Droppers start slamming the containers on the driveway
or tossing them up as high as they can.

The best part of this is that the audience always goes “Ahhhhhhh”
as those containers hit the driveway with a thud!!!
Keep checking!
This is the point where entries will start falling to the wayside!.
The last entry that makes it through all the tosses is the winner.
You can keep going with the final round when there is only one entry left.
you can always have more than one winner.

Be sure to have a trophy (that is returned each year) - or a prize - for the winner!
More Egg Drop Fun!
We call the above Egg Drop - our annual event - the Free Style.
In past years, we’ve also included a Compulsory Round to the day’s activities!.
You know us!!!
We’re ALWAYS looking for ways to stretch out the fun!
In this Compulsory Round, I would set out a paper grocery bag for each family and they had to bring identical items to contribute to each bag.
For Example: I set out 10 grocery bags since we had ten families participating. One family brought 10 paper towel rolls and put one in each bag. Another family brought 10 diapers (this was a favorite when we all had little Littles!) and put one in each bag. Over the years, families brought plastic bottles, string, Kleenex, socks, popsicle sticks, cotton, bubble wrap, and more!
Once the bags are filled with all the items and before the fun begins, I give each family an arm’s length of masking tape and a raw egg (again, from experience, in a Ziploc bag).
Each family takes a bag, and must create a container using all the items - including the paper bag! We set a timer for 10 minutes to work… That’s it! When the timer goes off, you’re done!. Families will want to find their own space to invent, build and create! No copying allowed!

It is just hilarious to see what each family brings and then creates!
Such fun entries!
The rounds go quickly with this version!
In Round 1, one family member takes another family’s entry and at “go” drops it from waist high onto the driveway.
During Round 2, the containers are held overhead and dropped. Finally, in Round 3, the containers are held overhead and are slammed to the ground!

No Roof? No Worries!
If you don’t have a roof that is easy or safe to drop from, there are other options. You can always stand on a garden wall, some steps, a chair or even a ladder - you get the idea!.
One year, we had some construction going on at home, so our Egg Hunt/Drop was at someone else’s house whose garage would just not work. We only did the Compulsory Drop that year and we changed it up by adding a few silly drops to the mix.
We stood on a garden wall!
First the oldest from each family would drop.
Then the youngest.
Then the tallest,
then the shortest, and so on!
Be as creative as you want!!

While our annual Easter Egg Drop takes planning on everyone’s part
the effort is SO worth it!
In fact, half the fun is in the brainstorming and preparation
that takes place ahead of time!
We all LOVE a good challenge!
Such special memories!

Then… as parents!
And now… as Grands!

I’m so excited to continue this tradition in years to come…
With my family and all my Littles!

Family traditions are so GRAND
and Laurie’s annual Egg Drop is no exception!
Perhaps her idea has intrigued and inspired you to plan your own fun event
with family and friends this Easter season!
Do you have a favorite Easter tradition you look forward to each year?
If so, we’d love to hear more!
Simply comment at the end of this post or email us directly at
We learn so much from you!!
whenever you can!
You can find lots of great content there!
Tomorrow is Friday and normally we'd be back with our WEEKLY SNAPSHOTS post
it's been a full week and we've got a busy weekend ahead, too!!
So, look for us to share a new post next Thursday
We hope you'll join us then!
Thanks for stopping by!

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What a fun and fabulous family tradition! I LOVE IT!!!!
You share the most fun activities! What a lovely way to get everyone together.
We do love a good egg hunt here.
Have a wonderful week ladies! 😊
You guys always come up with the funnest activities! I heard of a great idea to keep the older kids from collecting all the eggs: every age group is assigned a certain color of egg to collect. The younger the age, the easier the eggs are to spot.
Thanks so much for stopping by and for your kind comments!!
We used to do an Easter Egg hunt for my sons and at the end of the hunt, they would find their Easter basket.... Enjoy the weekend!!
Hugs, Deb
Debbie-Dabble Blog
My girls used to love a Egg hunt.
What fantastic fun to make a day of it and I love the sound of the egg drop!